Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit

Interface AttributeNames

All Known Subinterfaces:
AddressAttributeNames, CimdMessageAttributeNames, MessageAttributeNames, NetworkAddressAttributes, SmppMessageAttributeNames, UCPMessageAttributeNames
All Known Implementing Classes:
CimdConnection, GsmAddress, GsmMessage, GsmModem, LongMessageReceiver, NarrowBandSocket, SmppConnection

public interface AttributeNames

This dummy interface should be/is extended by interfaces that define the Attribute Names of messages for a variety of transport.

Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit