Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit

Package ie.ncl.msg

This package provides a generic interface to all messaging protocols including but not limited to the SMS cellular network protocols.


Interface Summary
AttributeNames This dummy interface should be/is extended by interfaces that define the Attribute Names of messages for a variety of transport.
Connection This interface is used to define the basic methods required of a message connection.
ErrorListener This interface is used to notify the application of errors that occur in an underlying messaging connection.
MessageStore This Interface defines the methods used to interface with a message store - such as a database, message server or message centre, JMS or some other underlying persistent system.
Receiver An Receiver is a connection to some service that is used to deliver messages to the application.
ReceiverListener This interface is used to receive messages asynchronously.
Sender A Sender is a connection to some service that is used by the application to send messages.
SenderListener This interface is used to get acknowledgments of send messages asynchronously.

Class Summary
Address This object is used to specify/determine the source/destination address of a message.
Attributes The Attributes object (or attribute set) is used to group a set of attribute name and value pairs.
BinaryMessage BinaryMessage extends the base class Message (used for all messages in the Generic API) by implementing the message body as byte[] data.
Factory This object is used to load an underlying messaging connection, configure it and instantiate it.
Loopback The Loopback class is a test Sender and Receiver class.
Message The Message class is the base class used for all messages in the Generic API.
SyncReceiver This is a convenience class for converting asynchronous receivers into synchronous receivers.
SyncSender This is a convenience class for converting asynchronous senders into synchronous ones.
TextMessage TextMessage extends the base class Message (used for all messages in the Generic API) by implementing the message body textual (String) data.

Exception Summary
ConnectionException This class is used to indicate problems with the underlying connection.
MessageException This exception class is used to indicate a problem with a specific message - being sent or received.
MessageQueuesFullException Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
ReconnectException Deprecated. Not a meaningful name.
TemporaryConnectionException This extension to the ConnectionException class is used to indicate a temporary problem with the underlying connection - that is, it is down but should be resume again shortly.
TemporaryMessageException This exception class is used to indicate a problem with a specific message - being sent or received - however this is a temporary exception.

Package ie.ncl.msg Description

This package provides a generic interface to all messaging protocols including but not limited to the SMS cellular network protocols.

Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit