Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit

Uses of Interface

Packages that use ErrorListener
ie.ncl.msg This package provides a generic interface to all messaging protocols including but not limited to the SMS cellular network protocols. 

Uses of ErrorListener in ie.ncl.msg

Classes in ie.ncl.msg that implement ErrorListener
 class ConnectionManager

Methods in ie.ncl.msg with parameters of type ErrorListener
 void ConnectionManager.setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
 void Connection.setErrorListener(ErrorListener listener)
          Specify a callback called if an connection error occurs in the underlying connection.

Uses of ErrorListener in ie.ncl.msg.server

Methods in ie.ncl.msg.server with parameters of type ErrorListener
 Connection MessageServerConnectionRequest.accept(ie.ncl.util.Properties connectionProperties, ReceiverListener receiverListener, ErrorListener errorListener)
 Connection MessageServerConnectionRequest.accept(ReceiverListener receiverListener, ErrorListener errorListener)

Uses of ErrorListener in ie.ncl.sms.smpp.server

Methods in ie.ncl.sms.smpp.server with parameters of type ErrorListener
 Connection SmppServerConnectionRequest.accept(ie.ncl.util.Properties connectionProperties, ReceiverListener receiverListener, ErrorListener errorListener)
          Accepts an inbound SMPP connection return an SMPP_ROK (0) to the client.
 Connection SmppServerConnectionRequest.accept(ReceiverListener receiverListener, ErrorListener errorListener)

Experts in SMS and MMS Technology. NCLs Provato is an SMS/MMS Gateway supporting  WAP Push, EMS, MMS, SMS, Nokia Smart Messaging, SMPP, CIMD, UCP, MM7, M20, TC35 NCL Technologies Ltd
Provato - SMS MMS Gateway
Mobile Messaging in J2EE & .NET

SwiftNote - Java SMS Toolkit